Haki Nawiri works through four key programmatic areas. These are Youth, Climate Justice, Food Justice and Gender Justice
Youth Engagement (University Students)
The organization engages university students, in school and out of school youth on social justice issues, human rights education, conflict transformation and peace building. These include training young people on human rights, paralegal training to amplify youth voices and experiences on rights and at the same time engage young people in solving community problems.
Shrinking Civic Spaces in Institutions of Higher learning
The project works with university students and community members .The
goal of the project is to expand civic space among students in
institutions of higher learning.
Many people in Kenya are unaware of their legal rights and because of
this they suffer from rights violations.The technical nature of the law
is also an impediment towards access to justice.
Through trainings on paralegalism, university students and community
members are empowered on basic law including criminal law, gender,
rights of an accused person, rights of an arrested person, property and
inheritance rights, Alternative Dispute Resolution(ADR) and child
rights. The trained students and community members provide basic legal
services in their communities and universities.
Students being taught about their rights and law Students being taught about their rights and law
Human Rights Education
This equips university students and community members with knowledge and
skills on human rights , activism, how to demand and defend
rights.Students and community members are also trained on advocacy.
Students being trained on human rights Students being trained on human rights, activism, etc.
Psychosocial Support and Student Resilience Building
University students go through multiple issues in their quest for
learning. Many pay their own fees, struggle with acceptance, peer
pressure and have a myriad of issues from home. On top of this, they
are expected to do well in class and pass exams.
These are organized sessions in universities to enable students to share
their fears in safe spaces. At the same time students are taken through
mechanisms on how to address the various issues facing them.
Students are being taught how to handle issues they are facing Students sharing on an array of issues
Students sharing on common issues Students taught how to tackle issues
Student-Police dialogues
These are organised to create platforms where students and the police
can share issues of concern, learn about justice process and build
meaningful relationships between students and the police .
Police educate students on justice Police educate students on various issues
Police engaging with the public on various issues Police engaging with the public on various issues
Students Rights Manual
Haki Nawiri Afrika has developed a student rights manual to equip
students with knowledge and skills on how to demand and defend their