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Haki Nawiri Afrika

Policy Advocacy

CFS 51 | Leonida Odongo, Haki Nawiri

Leonida Odongo, spoke on behalf of the CSIPM about its new publication “They will feed us! A people’s route to African food sovereignty” and how commitments made by African governments in the context of the UN Food Systems Summit and Dakar 2 Summit largely failed to meet the needs and policy demands stemming from small-scale food producers and peasant organisations on the continent, specifically in Morocco, Kenya, Zambia, Mali and Republic of the Congo.

Participation during the CSF Gender Negotiations


Leonida Odongo from Haki Nawiri and Magdalena Ackerman from SID talk about the priorities of the CSPIM during the CFS Gender Voluntary Guidelines negotiations at the United Nations in Rome.

Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples Mechanisms on Building Resilience Food Systems


The HLPE-FSN consultation on the scope of the report on “Building resilient food systems”

'They Will Feed Us' A Peoples Route to African Food Sovereignty

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A new report, titled “They will feed us! A people’s route to African food sovereignty,” has been launched on occasion of International Food Sovereignty Day, shedding light on recent disturbing developments promoting corporate interests in food systems in Africa.

Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples Report: CFS Recommendations on Climate Change and Water

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The United Nations recently warned that the period 2023-2027 will be the warmest on record. This will have serious and irreversible impacts on health, food security, water management, and the environment (WMO, 2023). Droughts increased by 29% compared to 2000 and more than 2.3 billion people are suffering from water scarcity (UNCCD, 2022). 

Marginalisation and Debt Drivers of Inequality

Leonida Odongo, is a CSIPM CC member, from Kenya and the organisation Haki-Nawiri. She is part of the delegation attending the CFS negotiations on reducing inequalities for food security and nutrition.

Committee on World Food Security 51st Plenary Session :Africa Statement

Leonida Odongo, spoke on behalf of the CSIPM about its new publication “They will feed us! A people’s route to African food sovereignty” and how commitments made by African governments in the context of the UN Food Systems Summit and Dakar 2 Summit…

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