Media Mentions
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Seed and Women : Through an African Lens
@ Active cultures.org “Seeds & women: Through an African Lens was published in Active Cultures’ Digest, Issue 13, August 2022 (edited by Ferron Salniker)“Why should I have a granary, when there is nothing to put inside?”

Africa is Being Recolonised: Food Sovereignty as a Form of Resistance
@shado .mag.com By ellen miles "“Africa is being recolonised,” activist Leonida Odongo tells me over Zoom, from her home in Nairobi, Kenya. It’s late in the evening. As she often does, Leonida has returned from a long day in the field. Quite literally: she’s been visiting farms, helping smallholder farmers to reclaim sovereignty over their practices and resources. "

African Farmers to UK Stop Funding Climate Stupid Agriculture
@CANARY workers co-op Speaking at the press conference, Leonida Odongo from the social justice-focused organisation Haki Nawiri Afrika insisted that African people have the “expertise” to solve the continent’s agricultural issues, not AGRA. They are “best-placed” to provide the necessary “Afro-centric” solutions, she said. These solutions should involve sustainable agroecological practices, AFSA says.

Stop funding harmful Agricultural practices-African Expersts urges Donors
@hotinjuba.com By richard sultan .Production of food is taking on a trend that is increasingly becoming more harmful to consumers.

Stop funding AGRA; Direct support to agroecology – AFSA Source: Mahmud Mohammed-Nurudeen 1 September 2022 8:13pm
@myjoyonline.com "We have the expertise. The best people to solve problems in Africa are people from the continent itself. We need Afrocentric solutions. Our big question as African people is why should our problems be solved by entities outside the continent?” said Leonida Odongo, co-founder of Haki Nawiri Afrika

Activists urge end to the failed Green Revolution in Africa by Aimable Twahirwa 3 September 2022is is the heading
@rwandadispatch.com . According to Leonida Odongo, another activist of Haki Nawiri Afrika, people are suffering from multiple crises – climate, COVID, war in Europe – all created outside Africa. “Droughts destroy our harvests, staple food imports are disrupted, fertiliser prices have trebled.

ARude Awakening The Fight to Maintain Seed Sovereignty and Agricultural Autonomy in Kenya
@kpfa.org .On today’s show, social activist and agro-organizer Leonida Odongo sits down with me to discuss the fight to maintain seed sovereignty and agroecological autonomy as a whole in her home country of Kenya.

Putin’s invasion of Ukraine didn’t cause the food crisis. Capitalism did Small farmers are the world’s primary suppliers of food. It’s imperative we listen to them, not the big corporates
@opendemocracy.net .Kenya: food crisis openDemocracy also spoke with food justice activists in Kenya, which is experiencing a severe food crisis. “Land degradation is affecting food production in Kenya because of the overuse of chemical fertilisers,” said Leondia Odongo, co-founder of social justice organisation Haki Nawiri Afrika.

Redirect funding to agroecology, not AGRA, African civil societies tell donors Thursday, September 01, 2022
@nationmedia group ..by david mwere. ms leonida says our problems cannot be resolved by people outside the continent.

Assessing the Bretton Woods Institutions’ legacy Critical views from the MENA region and Sub-Saharan Africa
@brettonwoodsproject.org .Food security in Africa from a feminist lens The third contribution, by Leonida Odongo, of Haki Nawiri Afrika, argues that food security in Africa is a gendered issue as demonstrated by the continued prevalance of patriarchy, which means the control of natural resources like land, the basis of food production, is held predominantly by men. The piece illustrates the central role the World Bank and IMF have played in creating such conditions through historical structural adjustment programmes and current austerity-focused loan conditionalities.

Can ‘indigenous’ and GM seeds co-exist in Africa? Joseph Gakpo | Alliance for Science | November 12, 2021
@geneticliteracyproject.org “In Africa, seed is cultural,” Odongo observed. “These seeds have meaning. Seed is looked at as the future. Seed is equated to life. So, when we talk about seeds in Africa, we are talking about something important.” Odongo claims indigenous seeds are currently under attack from multinational seed corporations promoting improved seeds.

How Land Management Can Restore Hope to Women in Rural Kenya By Stella Paul
@ipsnews.net . The only external support Beth and Ruth ever received was a few fruiting tree saplings from the Rural Resource Center – a local NGO. But the dry soil of the farm couldn’t sustain their growth. Landscape view of Mwala village in Machakos county. The apparent “disconnect” between the policy and its intended beneficiaries is evident in degraded land restoration and climate action in general, says Leonida Odongo, Executive Director of the Nairobi-based NGO Haki Nawiri Afrika. Her organisation fights for marginalised communities’ rights to climate justice and food justice.

African farmers deserve access to innovations that have transformed farming in developed world – Farmer Source: Joseph Opoku Gakpo 19 May 2021 3:19pm
@myjoyonline.com . Leonida Odongo, a social justice activist from Kenya who runs Haki Nawiri Afrika said it is time Africans returned to the use of “indigenous” seeds instead of the promotion of improved varieties and genetically modified seeds.

Fighting for food sovereignty in Kenya and Uganda Water Savvy Solutions | 16 September 2021
@bilaterals.org . Susan Nakacwa and Leonida Odongo share their experiences of their work in Uganda and Kenya as it relates to helping empower small holder and women farmers to protect and preserve indigenous farming practices that are less harmful to the environment and ensure sustainable yields over the long term.

Open letter to world leaders ahead of COP27 07/11/2022
@fao.org . Dear World Leaders, The surge in hunger over the last year has exposed the fragility of the global food system. It is highly vulnerable to shocks - whether from Covid, conflict, or the climate - and ill-equipped for a world where extreme heat, drought, and floods are the new normal, even if we limit global heating to 1.5C. Building a food system that can feed the world on a hot planet must be a priority for COP27. Any plan to adapt our food system must start with small-scale family farmers and producers. We are critical for global food security, producing as much as 80% of the food consumed in regions such as Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. However, decades of underinvestment and an unfair global food system run by and for powerful agri-businesses, means we often lack the infrastructure, technology, resources, and democratic space to cope with ever more extreme and erratic weather.

Critical of Gates , The Billionaires who made our World
@community alliance for global justice . The new documentary series, The Billionaires who Made our World, recently released a new episode focusing on Bill Gates. The episode features interviews with AGRA Watch Researcher Ashley Fent and our partner Leonida Odongo, of Haki Nawiri Afrika! It aired on Channel 4 (UK) and will be airing on BBC Select in May (the series also features critical portrayals of Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk).

How land management can restore hope to women in rural Kenya WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 20 2021
@BUSINESS DAILY . The apparent “disconnect” between the policy and its intended beneficiaries is evident in degraded land restoration and climate action in general, says Leonida Odongo, Executive Director of the Nairobi-based NGO Haki Nawiri Afrika. Her organisation fights for marginalised communities’ rights to climate justice and food justice.

Pushing for women to be aware of their land rights.
Pushing for women to be aware of their land rights.

Carbon beds farming technology
Farmers on arid and semi arid areas have now embarked on developing carbon beds