Category: Uncategorized

  • Reigniting the African Pride:My Food is African

      Author: Leonida Odongo In African context, food plays a key role. Different communities relate to food differently, but the bottom line is that within the continent, food is a cultural expression. There is an onslaught of attacks on African food systems. This has taken various forms from training of African scientists on conventional food…

  • The Africa we Have Versus the Africa we Deserve : Through the Eyes of a Child

    There are over 400[1] million children living in the African continent, furthermore, Africa is home to the youngest population in the world.20th November is a day recognised globally as World Children Day and is a day dedicated to promoting the right of children. The theme for 2021 for example is “Investing in our future means investing…

  • Human Rights in a Pandemic Chronicles

    Human Rights in a Pandemic Chronicles

    The Human Rights in a Pandemic Chronicles is documentation of human rights in the Kenyan context from the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic to February 2022. The documentation is part of the Haki Nawiri’s Afrika’s Addressing Shrinking Civic Spaces in Communities in Kenya. Haki Nawiri is a winner of 2020/2021 Social Innovation Challenge(SIC). The project…

  • The Double Crisis

    By Rogers Tulyahabwe from Uganda. The covid 19 pandemic is wrecking havoc in countries across the globe, causing a global health crisis and forcing the economies to slow down due to the strict quarantine measures, with further consequences ranging from closed boarders, scarce hand sanitizers, to house arrests to ensure social distancing measures. Bad as…



    “Recover Better, Together” An interview with Leonida Odongo of Haki Nawiri Afrika about how agro-ecological solutions can lead the way to recovery. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by all United Nations Member States five years ago with the promise to “leave no one behind” in its aspiration to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure…