Category: Social Justice
Feminisation of Unpaid Labour
In my community women engage in many activities not only within urban settings but in rural areas as well. Within the household women take up domestic chores to ensure the family stays in a clean environment, children go to school and have food to sustain their lives. The tasks undertaken by women depends on the…
Predators on the Prowl: Sexual Violence as Gender Based Violence in Learning Institutions
Sexual violence in institutions of higher learning takes various forms. This ranges from catcalling, body shaming, rape, and sex for grades and in some cases sexual harassment. Sexual violence is meted on students in institutions of higher learning by university staff, lecturers and fellow students. Sexual violence is not a female only phenomenon, it also…
Haki Nawiri Afrika Updates
Welcome to the 1st Edition of Haki Nawiri Afrika Updates. Thisupdate showcases university students and communityengagement from June 2020 – February 2021.The highlighted activities include human rights training,paralegal training, student-police dialogues, psychosocialsupport and student-community engagement. You can download the report below